
We've accumulated a collection of gear for sledding and scootering. The main set sits in large transport case on the back of the RV, with harnesses inside by the dog boxes. Here's our summary of stuff to complement the sled, scooter and rig.

Sled Stuff

    • Snow hook (from Critterwood).

    • Snub lines (2, with quick release, to tie the sled or rig off while hooking up).

    • Dog bag (from Nooksack Racing Supplies, designed to fit the sled).

    • Handle bar bag (from Nooksack).

    • Snow hook bag.

    • Handle bar mittens.

Sled, Scooter, Rig Lines

    • 8 dog gang line (3 2-dog modular team sections, 1 leader section). We've changed how we run lines -- we have an 18" neck line attached to the end of the harness and shorter (30") tug lines, and use Tug Line Toggles instead of snaps. Moving the attachement back 18" eliminates the snap hitting the dog (and the likelyhood of getting poop on it), and hooks are easier to deal with in the cold.

    • Bungie neck lines.

    • Regular neck lines.

    • Scooter lines (2 sets).

    • Locking carabiniers.

Dog Stuff: Harnesses, Collars, ...

    • H back harnesses (various).

    • X back harnesses (various sizes). It's taken awhile to figure out what works best for us, and what fits the different dogs (fitting harnesses is an art). Our main harnesses are now lightweight X-backs from

    • Urban trail harnesses (shortie harnesses) for everyday dog walks (not pulling).

    • 1" limited slip collars with 1 1/2" rings.

    • Quiet Spot tag bags for collars.

    • Various size booties (

    • Collar tags (Boomerang tags).

    • QR dog tags.

Safety Gear

    • Ski helmet (Scott Rove MIPS and Smith Viarient Brim).

    • Ski goggles.

    • First aid kit (in handle bar bag).

    • Leatherman (in handle bar bag).

    • Headlamp (2) -- we use them all around the house (Mammut Lucido TLX1).

Tools and Parts

    • Assorted wrenches to fit sled, scooter and rig bolts.

    • Air pump.

    • Scotch 33+ electrical tape.

    • Various spare parts and snaps.

Sled Cam and Electronic

    • VholdR Contour HD video camera.

    • Class IV 16GB MicroSD Card.

    • Tripod mount.

    • Handle bar mount.

    • Lens kit.

    • Gorillapod (for sled mounting).

    • Bike computer (entry level Schwinn, but now we just the GPS).

    • Garmin Edge 200 GPS (tracks course, distance, speed, ...).

    • Bar Fly TT GPS handlbar mount.

Dog Truck Stuff

    • Roof box for the SUV.

    • Bike rack (Saris Cycleon) for the SUV.

    • Home made sled rack for the SUV.

    • Bike cable locks.

    • Poly coated drop cables.

    • Picket line.

    • Buddy bowls (non spill water bowl).

    • The dog truck with full rear carrier and attachements for rig or sled.

Other Dog Stuff

    • Canicross belt, used for our daily dog walks (from Canadog).

People Stuff (Winter Gear)

    • Lobben felt boots (Scandinavian).

    • Arctic fox and seal musher hat (also Scandinavian, incredibly warm).

    • Beaver and moose mits (from Sarah McHugh).

    • A Skookum parka with a wolf ruff.

    • Still looking for the perfect outer footware.

Scooter, Sled, Rig, Fat Bike, Gear